I was thinking...for a change, why don't I blog about my contacts?  I was looking through my contact list on multiply and while viewing the headshots, I said to myself, "Wow!  I am so blessed to have all these people as friends!" .  When will I ever have the chance to tell them that I appreciate their friendship?  We sometimes (actually oftentimes would be more appropriate) allow the busy-ness of life get in the way of letting people know how much we appreciate them.  Then we muster up the guts to express ourselves, we find out it's too late.  Kind words are separated by glass in the midst of candelabras and flowers.

So every now and then, in the midst of all these items about retirement, retirement strategy, and pursuing one's dreams as one living life to the full, I will introduce you to my real treasures....my contacts, my friends.

First up.......drum roll please............